New defibrillator in East Portlemouth

A second AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in the village was installed on the wall of the toilets on the bottom road (near the Venus Café at the bottom of the Ferry Steps) on 9th July 2021. So, we now have two in East Portlemouth, one in the Village Shelter at the top of the Ferry Steps and a matching one at the bottom.

A defibrillator is a device which gives a high energy shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. After calling 999 and starting CPR it is the third way to give someone the best chance of survival.

While training in their use is very helpful, this model of “defib” is designed to be used by someone without any experience. It will guide the user in the steps that might be needed to help someone with a suspected heart problem – once taken from the cabinet it will talk to you and give clear instructions explaining what to do next! So, anyone can use it in an emergency. It will tell you how to attach the pads, then it will monitor the heart rhythm. It will only deliver a shock if it’s needed, and you can’t deliver a shock accidentally. It will continue to monitor the person’s heart and will keep details which can later be used by the emergency services.

We are hoping to organise refresher sessions and full CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) and Defibrillator training sessions, for all those interested, in the near future.