Friends of East Portlemouth Parish Church

Why Be a Friend?

The number of resident parishioners is relatively small and our Priest-in-Charge ministers to a total of eight churches in the Start Bay Benefice, which covers a wide area to the east of Kingsbridge. The church is the only centre of Christian faith and is a focal point in the village. If the Church and its fabric is to survive, its bells and churchyard to remain in good condition, then we need the help of all those who enjoy or are associated with the parish and who wish to see the church survive for future generations.

The Friends provide financial support to help the Parochial Church Council meet the costs of maintaining and repairing the fabric of the church and its artefacts. Anyone is welcome to become a Friend whether a regular churchgoer or not but who would like to contribute to the continuing work of maintaining this historical building.

The Friends is a Registered Charity (No. 1029258) set up in 1993 to enable all who care to do something towards the conservation of the church. The regular donation of even a small amount will help the Friends to continue this work and finance future projects.

The Friends work in close collaboration with the PCC which organises the routine maintenance of the church and whenever possible covers the cost of many improvements.

In recent years The Friends have been able to fund the reconstruction of the West Tower Door and the complete rebuilding of the west window. Other projects include the provision of a notice board on the north boundary wall and one in the porch, a Rectors Board within the church, repairs to the bell tower frame, replacement of the church lighting and a contribution towards the complete restoration of the church organ.

Future projects include essential work highlighted by the Quinquennial Building Survey.

How To Become A Friend

Please download and complete the Membership Application Form and, if you wish, make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration as this will increase the amount of your donation at no cost to you.

Friends membership application form

Post To:

The Treasurer
c/o Friends of East Portlemouth Parish Church
Rickham Farm,
East Portlemouth,

Together with your cheque made payable to: The Friends of East Portlemouth Parish Church or a Bankers Order as appropriate.

NB: It is most important that the date on any cheque is the same or later than the date on the Gift Aid Declaration.

All Friends may use a Banker’s Order, even if they are not UK taxpayers.