East Portlemouth Village Hall Committee

The Village Hall is run by a dedicated group of local residents who arrange ongoing activities and events in the hall. They also organise all of the cleaning and maintenance of the hall. As the hall is a registered charity there is also board of trustees who oversee the work of the committee.

Committee Members

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Lindsey Lindley


Tel: 01548 842330

Email: lindsey@rickham.net

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Clare Parry


Tel: 01548 511108

Email: jandc@parrys.net

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Jane Miller


Tel: 01548 844774 / 07726 908923

Email: janedmiller@hotmail.co.uk

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Andy Coton

Committee Member

Tel: 01548 842258

Email: andrewcoton@btinternet.com

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Judith Hilditch

Committee Member

Tel: 01548 842185

Email: judif.hilditch@yahoo.co.uk

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Pippa Hilditch

Committee Member

Email: hilditchp@gmail.com

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Bernice Johnston

Committee Member

Tel: 01548 843284

Email: malberni@tiscali.co.uk

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Julie Leaver

Committee Member

Email: jules.leaver@yahoo.com

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Carole Reynolds-Jones

Committee Member

Tel: 01548 842100

Email: carolerjep@gmail.com

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John Taylor

Committee Member

Tel: 01548 844157 / 07983 855099

Email: johntaylor9903@gmail.com
